
Homeland: Asia, South America
Temperature: Loves heat and adapts to room temperature, stand in a warm place during the winter and moisten the leaves often.
Light: Needs a fuzzy bright spot.
Watering: The soil should always be moist.
Toxicity: Wash the hands thoroughly when the plant juice gets on the skin. Otherwise you may get burns.

Homeland: India
Lighting: Needs a lot of light, but avoid direct rays during the active phase of the sun (12: 00-16: 00).
Temperature: Adapts to room temperature. During the winter, it stops growing in the cold.
Watering: Moderate. When the soil dries to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Lighting ☀️
Moderate light is required for Zamioculcas.
Place in a bright room to avoid direct sunlight. It can live even in minimal lighting conditions.
Temperature🌡️ 15-28 degrees.
Zamioculcas differ from other plants in that they can withstand high temperatures.
But the cold and the cold air flow are very disturbing. Keep at room temperature.
Watering is better than cacti and succulents - rarely watered.
No need for water until the soil is completely dry and the plant is thirsty enough. It can retain water in the roots and therefore does not require frequent watering, generally with a lot of water we damage the plant more than with a little water.
Ficus Benjamina

Homeland: India, China, Hawaii and the Philippines
Lighting: grows well in a well-lit place, avoid direct sunlight, you can stand east. The plant will be grateful.
Temperature: The optimum temperature is 20 ° -25 ° С
For Ficus it does not matter much what the temperature is, watering is important. Water more in the heat as the soil dries. And less in the winter.
Scindapsus variegated

Place in a bright place, avoid direct sunlight.
The plant loves high humidity. But avoid excess water.
The plant gets sick easily due to air dryness. If you notice that the tips of the leaves are ringing - it is due to the dryness of the air.
If it turns yellow- it is the fault of excess water
Irrigate while the soil is drying.

You should avoid direct sunlight. Yucca can stand in a semi-lit place.
temperature :
The plant should definitely be kept in a warm room, but be sure to avoid heating appliances, the temperature should not fall below 12 degrees.
Yucca needs moderate watering. In winter it is watered less, after complete drying of the land.
Soil: Fertilizer is needed constantly. From spring to autumn, apply complex fertilizers once every 10 days. And once a month in winter
Toxicity: Toxic to pets and children, so try to keep away from them.
Ficus elastic

Homeland: Japan.
Temperature: 15-29
Light: Bright but not direct rays of the sun
Watering: When the soil dries.
Humidity: Above average. 50-75%.
In case of low humidity it needs to be watered (boiled, water at four hundred degrees).
Soil: Universal.
Fertilizer: twice a month during spring-summer. Autumn to winter - no need.
Transplantation: Once a year, in spring. Slightly 5-7 cm in a large pot.
Toxicity: Toxic to pets. Its juice should not get on the mucous membrane of the animal.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for Pilea is 20-25 ° С. Stops growth at 17 ° C and lower.
Lighting: Needs a lot of dim light. Stand in the middle of a bright room. But avoid direct sunlight.
Watering: During the warm period of the year the soil should be totally moist. Water during the winter when it dries.

Homeland: Brazil.
Temperature: The ideal temperature ranges from 18 ° C - 24 ° C.
Humidity: High 50-70% ideally.
Fertilizer: Use a well-balanced organic fertilizer once a month. Universal.
Transplanting: It is best to transplant your philodendron once it becomes hard in the pot and the pot is filled with roots.
Toxicity: It is advisable not to put the plant leaf or its juice in the esophagus and mouth of a child or pet.

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