Edible flowers are blossoms that can be consumed securely. Blossoms might be eaten as vegetables as a fundamental piece of a feast, or might be utilized as spices. Blossoms are important for some provincial cooking styles, including Asian, European, and Middle Eastern foods.
With their strong and interesting flavors, surfaces and tones, eatable blossoms have acquired ubiquity as an inventive and imaginative element for the culinary world; they are added to food varieties to give flavor, fragrance, and enhancement. They can be eaten as a feature of a principle dish or be consolidated into plates of mixed greens. Blossoms can be added to refreshments as flavorings, or be utilized to make drinks like tisanes and wines. They are added to spreads, for example, margarine or natural product jam, and to vinegar, marinades, and dressings.

Blossoms are additionally consumed for sustenance. Many blossoms that are in fact eatable can be a long way from palatable. An illustration of an animal types with blossoms that are of high dietary benefit is the dandelion, whose blossoms are displayed to contain elevated degrees of polyphenols and cancer prevention agents and have mitigating and hostile to angiogenic properties.
For the best flavor, blossoms ought to be new and gathered promptly in the day. Withered and blurred blossoms and the unopened buds of most species can be horrendous and frequently severe. The taste and shade of nectar generally shift between various types of blossom; subsequently, honey might fluctuate in shading and taste contingent upon the types of bloom. Many blossoms can be eaten entire, yet some have harsh parts, like the stamens and stems.